Friday, March 17, 2006
Life Artist 我是誰–生活藝術家(學習中)

在2000年,訂立了人生的目的 (Life Purpose),成為我活著的方向:
To be a passionate & peaceful soul to give caring love to those who are lost or abandoned in life (以摯誠平和心,獻出關愛予迷失和放棄的人)
1. To treasure and uphold the giving of life
2. To live happily, improving spiritual and physical health
3. To enjoy a life-time of learning and enriching knowledge
4. To be merciful, to respect people and to love the Universe
在2000年,訂立了人生的目的 (Life Purpose),成為我活著的方向:
To be a passionate & peaceful soul to give caring love to those who are lost or abandoned in life (以摯誠平和心,獻出關愛予迷失和放棄的人)
1. To treasure and uphold the giving of life
2. To live happily, improving spiritual and physical health
3. To enjoy a life-time of learning and enriching knowledge
4. To be merciful, to respect people and to love the Universe
珍惜賦予的生命,開心活著 ;改善精神及身體健康;增進知識,享受終身學習; 仁愛待人,愛惜宇宙。
來到2006年,進一步為自己編訂了生活的態度 (Life Attitude),好讓生命活得更至善至美:
真誠摯情 (Devoutness),寬恕包容 (Forgiveness),善樂惜福 (Happiness)